Build a credible pathway
to Net-Zero

Terrascope is an end-to-end decarbonization platform, with Agri value chain expertise, empowering enterprises to measure and reduce their emissions across operations, supply chains, and portfolios.

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Seamless Enterprise Data Management

Terrascope supports seamless data ingestion with advanced data processing methodologies to handle diverse data formats and deliver 5 times faster processing than manual methods.

Smarter Measurement & Reduction Planning

Terrascope increases confidence in emissions data and insights through AI-powered EF matching, hotspot analytics, decarbonization recommendations, and supplier engagement.

Deep Sector and Climate Expertise

Terrascope offers a core end-to-end platform and tailored product features and services for specific sectors, value chains, and decarbonization journeys.

Corporate and Product Footprinting 

This carbon measurement and management platform combines accurate Corporate Carbon Footprinting (CCF) with a focus on Scope 3 emissions, and robust Product Carbon Footprinting (PCF) to measure Cradle-to-Grave emissions on a single platform.

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Growing Scrutiny of Emissions Calculations, Targets, and Decarbonization Plans


Increasing Regulations on Scope 3 Emissions in the USA

Across the globe, an increasing number of jurisdictions - EU, SG and AU - are starting to mandate enterprises to disclose climate-related information. Similarly, the US Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC) is proposing new regulations that would require certain companies to disclose their climate-related risks and Scope 3 emissions.

Source: US Securities and Exchange Commision (2022)

Inability to Measure Scope 3 Accurately

Not all carbon footprints are of equal quality. 90% of enterprises currently lack comprehensive carbon emissions measurement, while 40% are ill-equipped to manage Scope 3 activities. The absence of granular data exacerbates uncertainty, creating reputation risk and making it harder to identify impactful decarbonization initiatives.

Source: BCG - Carbon Emissions Survey Report 2022

Lack of Progress on Decarbonization Targets in the USA

Despite the growing number of enterprises setting targets for Scope 3 reductions, implementation remains ineffective. Limited in-house skills, sluggish data collection, manual processes, vague strategies, and organizational silos all impede progress on decarbonization.

Source: The Rise of Scope 3 Agenda Among Enterprises - Verdantix Report 2023

Decarbonization Expertise in the Food, Beverage & Agricultural Value Chain

Agriculture represents nearly 10% of the US’ carbon emissions, the agricultural value chain encompasses a wide array of industries with diverse decarbonization challenges. Enterprises involved in land management, crop cultivation and livestock farming, to food sourcing, processing, manufacturing, and retail, are required to set dedicated Forest, Land, and Agriculture (FLAG) emission reduction targets under the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Such targets will also apply to enterprises in other sectors if FLAG emissions account for 20% or more of their footprint, thus potentially affecting companies in textiles, luxury, real estate, hospitality and more.

Terrascope has extensive experience working with large multinational companies across the agricultural value chain, from growers to retailers, primary processors and traders, manufacturers, and logistics providers. Our tailored product offerings enable enterprises to accurately measure their FLAG and non-FLAG emissions, set targets and devise robust reduction plans.
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Terrascope is an end-to-end decarbonization platform, combining data science, machine learning, and sectoral expertise to deliver precise emissions measurement, empowering effective emissions reduction.


Terrascope combines data science, machine learning and sectorial expertise to deliver precise emissions measurement, empowering effective emissions reduction. The business case for emissions reduction is compelling: 37% of organizations anticipate annual benefits exceeding $100 million USD, while 50% cite improved reputation, lower operating costs, and higher valuation as crucial advantages.

Source: BCG - Carbon Emissions Survey Report 2022


Manage Data

Leverage sector-specific data templates or submit data in your own formats, and Terrascope will autonomously ingest and process the information, build data profiles, and fill in the missing pieces.


Measure Emissions

Gain a comprehensive and granular understanding of your emissions footprint, analyze hotspots, and drill down into emissions drivers, and pinpoint where to focus supplier engagement and data gathering efforts.


Plan Reductions

Unlock the power of foresight with Terrascope's dynamic 'what-if' simulations and carbon accounting solutions. Explore and compare the impact of specific actions on your value chain, emissions targets, and net-zero climate strategy.



Monitor progress of reduction efforts against long-term and intermediate targets, enhance collaboration with shared dashboard views, and simplify reporting through seamless integrations.



Empowering enterprises to keep the planet habitable for all

Reversing the impact of climate change is one of the world’s biggest challenges, and it falls upon enterprises to take the lead. Over 80% of all the emissions reductions necessary for the world to reach net zero require business-level action. Specifically, this means reducing the longtail of emissions residing in complex supply chains – across sectors such as food and agriculture, CPG, retail, manufacturing, transportation, construction, and more. Business leaders don’t really know how they will get there. The first step of getting emissions measurement right is in itself a huge challenge. And for those companies already measuring their emissions, unreliable emissions data is a barrier to implementing effective decarbonization and supplier engagement.


Terrascope, a carbon measurement and management company, enabled Pokka to understand their unit carbon emissions and identify opportunities to reduce their carbon footprint. The resulting insights empowered Pokka to build a more resilient supply chain that is better prepared for the future.


Princes aimed to estimate the carbon footprint of key products and their units. To address this unique challenge, Terrascope broke down Princes’ products by their recipes and ingredients, enabling Princes to estimate their product emissions with 92% accuracy.


Using Terrascope’s carbon management software, Mitsubishi Corporation Agri Alliance gained the capability to pinpoint emission hotspots and build a comprehensive baseline for their Scope 3 Emissions. This helped them future-proof its supply chain by identifying and reevaluating parts of the supply chain that needed optimization.




Terrascope equipped Banyan Group with the ability to pinpoint its emissions drivers. Beyond assessing targeted mitigation strategies, Terrascope is enabling Banyan Group to establish a scalable and repeatable method for emissions data assimilation and reporting, inclusive of Scope 3 emissions.

Quick answers to questions you may have

  • What are Scope 3 emissions?

    Scope 3 emissions refer to indirect emissions generated by an enterprise’s value chain. The GHG Protocol has identified 15 categories of upstream and downstream activities that are included in Scope 3 emissions. This category of emissions contributes to about 75% of a typical business’ emissions and almost 100% in financial services firms. Cutting emissions across all scopes, especially Scope 3, has significant benefits as regulators, investors, and consumers push towards a net-zero economy.

  • What is Terrascope's carbon management process?

    Terrascope approaches carbon management solutions in the USA in 4 phases focusing on:
    1. Data Management: Rapidly ingesting emissions data, 5x faster than manual methods.

    2. Measurement: Creating accurate emissions baselines, filling data gaps, and validating data with 92% accuracy, even without supplier data.

    3. Reduction: Identifying emission hotspots, simulating reduction pathways, setting targets, and developing net-zero strategies.

    4. Implementation: Help monitor progress, enhancing internal collaboration through shared dashboards, and simplifying reporting through seamless integrations.

  • Why is carbon measurement important for companies?

    Carbon measurement and carbon reduction help enterprises with the following:
    1. Environmental Responsibility: Carbon measurement allows businesses to quantify and understand their environmental impact, which can drive decarbonization efforts.

    2. Compliance and Reporting: Carbon measurement ensures regulatory compliance, avoiding fines and penalties.

    3. Reputation and Stakeholder Engagement: With carbon measurement, businesses can enhance their reputation and strengthen relationships with stakeholders.

    4. Supply Chain Management: Terrascope helps companies analyze supply chain activities and collaborate with suppliers to drive carbon reduction across operations.

  • Why should you choose Terrascope’s carbon measurement and management platform if your company is in the United States?

    Terrascope is the top choice for businesses seeking an accurate, user-friendly carbon measurement platform in the United States.
    1. Accuracy and Precision: Terrascope’s machine learning capabilities ensure precise carbon measurement.

    2. Ease of Use: Terrascope’s intuitive interface makes measuring and managing emissions accessible and seamless for businesses of all sizes.

    3. Data Integration and Scalability: Terrascope eliminates manual data entry, accelerates calculations by 5x, and scales with growing data volumes and sustainability needs.

  • What is the impact of carbon management?

    By adopting carbon management best practices and strategies, such as renewable energy adoption, energy efficiency optimization, and carbon offsetting, organizations can minimize their carbon footprint. This leads to environmental benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved air quality, and the preservation of natural resources, while also contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.

  • What is carbon accounting?

    Carbon accounting is the process of quantifying and tracking greenhouse gas emissions produced or mitigated from a specific entity or activity. Carbon accounting softwares in the USA help businesses and governments measure their carbon footprint, identify emission sources, and assess environmental impacts. However, carbon accounting is still nascent and specialized software like Terrascope will play a vital role in facilitating carbon accounting by collecting, reporting, and managing Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 data.

  • What is the future of carbon accounting?

    With increasing awareness of climate change, there will be a growing demand for accurate and comprehensive carbon accounting practices. Decarbonization platforms like Terrascope as well as other carbon measurement and management companies in the USA will enhance precision and efficiency in data collection. Integrating carbon accounting into business strategies is likely to become standard practice, fostering sustainability and driving innovation. Collaborative global efforts will lead to standardized frameworks, making carbon accounting a pivotal tool in the fight against climate change.

  • What is a carbon efficiency factor?

    The term "carbon efficiency factor" refers to a measure used to assess how effectively a process or technology utilizes carbon resources while minimizing emissions. Higher carbon efficiency factors indicate more environmentally friendly practices, reducing the carbon footprint. Evaluating and improving this factor plays a vital role in mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable development.

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disclosures and reduction roadmap

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