FLAG Module

Terrascope measures and reduces emissions in FLAG sectors through SBTi compliance, aligning with the GHG Protocols, and enabling measurement of land-based emissions and decarbonization initiatives.

FLAG-Emission (2)

FLAG (Forest, Land and Agriculture) Module

The Forest, Land, and Agriculture (FLAG) Science Based Target Setting Guidance is a pioneering global standard for companies in land-intensive sectors to set science-based targets that include land-based emissions reductions and removals. This robust, science-driven approach aligns with the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C goal, enabling companies to effectively slash land-related emissions.

Companies falling under the Science Based Target initiative’s (SBTi) FLAG-designated sectors or with over 20% FLAG-related emissions are required to set FLAG targets. They must establish a baseline year, account for land-based emissions and removals separately, and trace primary commodity emissions in processed products.

Terrascope’s approach to managing and reducing FLAG emissions aligns with the new GHG Protocol for land sector removals and is compliant with the SBTi guidance. Terrascope’s module enables enterprises in the FLAG sectors to measure land-based emissions from their operations as well as their supply chain. Enterprises can also measure their decarbonisation initiatives involving carbon sequestration and better land management using Terrascope’s FLAG Module. Adopt FLAG Guidance and Terrascope's expertise to drive your company towards a sustainable and responsible future.

Determine FLAG Eligibility

Terrascope reviews a company’s operational and value chain model to determine FLAG exposure and the need for SBTi FLAG targets.

Step 1: FLAG Screening

According to the SBTi FLAG guidance, companies who fulfil a set of criteria should set and report targets. Terrascope’s screening process helps determine if your company meets the criteria.

Step 2: Determining the Appropriate Pathway

According to the SBTi FLAG guidance, eligible companies should report and set targets according to the Commodity or Sector pathway. The optimal pathway depends on a few factors, such as the industry of operation, type of goods bought or sold, position of the company in the value chain, and proportion of emissions from commodities compared to the company’s overall emissions.

Measure FLAG Emissions

Terrascope provides a measurement tool calculating Land Use Change and Land Management emissions from activities such as fertilizer application, farm activities or livestock rearing is deployed.

Metric 1: Land Use Emissions

Emissions from the change of land use, such as deforestation, conversion of forests to plantations will be classified into this category. This is further split into biogenic and non-biogenic emissions.

Metric 2: Land Management Emissions

Emissions from the management of land, such as use and production of Fertilizer, Crop residue, Agricultural waste burning will fall into this category of FLAG emissions. Emissions are further split into biogenic and non-biogenic emissions.

Metric 3: Hotspots

Terrascope helps to uncover hotspots within your company’s FLAG emissions, allowing you to work with relevant business units and locations to tackle your company’s material emissions contributors.


Calculate and Implement FLAG Targets

Terrascope’s FLAG module enables enterprises to set SBTI-aligned FLAG targets, and their long and short-term decarbonisation plans.

SBTi Aligned Target Setting

With the SBTi FLAG Target setting tool , the identified pathway to follow, as well as metrics generated and displayed on Terrascope’s FLAG dashboard, your company will be able to set and report targets which comply to the SBTi FLAG guidance.


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