Product Carbon Footprinting at Enterprise Scale

Achieve a balance of speed and accuracy with an AI-assisted approach, and make informed choices in product innovation, procurement, and supply chain decarbonisation today — fast-tracking your journey to net zero.

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Feature highlights

Generate emissions data for your entire product portfolio

Effortless Data Management

Input your existing product data, and we’ll take care of the rest. Our PCF Calculator delivers robust product-level emissions estimates — even without primary data — and refines them as you add more information.

Granular Emission Factor Matching at Scale

Use our PCF Calculator to analyse dozens or hundreds of products at once. We match the closest Emission Factor (EF) to any ingredient or business activity, providing reliable emissions estimates within minutes.

Actionable Emissions Insights

Unlock product-level decarbonisation and pave the way for effective emissions reduction across your entire value chain. We help you identify hotspots; simulate the impact of materials, manufacturing, transportation, and packaging; and model scenarios.

Coming soon

Supply Chain Management

Launching in 2024: Streamline supplier engagement to reduce emissions where it matters the most.

Decarbonise1 Decarbonise 2 Decarbonise 3 SupplyChainManagement

Effortless Data Management

Input your existing product data, and we’ll take care of the rest. Our PCF Calculator delivers robust product-level emissions estimates — even without primary data — and refines them as you add more information.

Decarbonise 2

Granular Emission Factor Matching at Scale

Use our PCF Calculator to analyse dozens or hundreds of products at once. We match the closest Emission Factor (EF) to any ingredient or business activity, providing reliable emissions estimates within minutes.

Decarbonise 3

Actionable Emissions Insights

Unlock product-level decarbonisation and pave the way for effective emissions reduction across your entire value chain. We help you identify hotspots; simulate the impact of materials, manufacturing, transportation, and packaging; and model scenarios.

Coming soon

Supply Chain Management

Launching in 2024: Streamline supplier engagement to reduce emissions where it matters the most.

Feature highlights

Decarbonise your products with Terrascope


Effortless Data Management

Input your existing product data, and we’ll take care of the rest. Our PCF Calculator delivers robust product-level emissions estimates — even without primary data — and refines them as you add more information.

Decarbonise 2

Granular Emission Factor Matching at Scale

Use our PCF Calculator to analyse dozens or hundreds of products at once. We match the closest Emission Factor to any ingredient or business activity, providing reliable emissions estimates within minutes.

Decarbonise 3

Actionable Emissions Insights

Unlock product-level decarbonisation and pave the way for effective emissions reduction across your entire value chain. We help you identify hotspots; simulate the impact of materials, manufacturing, transportation, and packaging; and model scenarios.

Coming soon

Supply Chain Management

Launching in 2024: Streamline supplier engagement to reduce emissions where it matters the most.


Why calculate your PCF today?

Stakeholder expectations

Consumers, businesses and investors increasingly care about sustainable supply chains and products — and back it up with their purchasing.



Companies with insights into product-level emissions can craft climate-friendly products to meet market demands and stand out from the competition.



Companies are facing increasing expectations for product stewardship. Understanding product-level emissions data is a great first step to prepare for this future operating environment. 


Meet your Company, Product & Supply Chain decarbonisation goals, all in one platform

Terrascope is your one-stop-shop to measure, reduce and report your carbon emissions at every level, from individual products, to companies and their global supply chains.

Complete a comprehensive Scope 1, 2, 3 footprint and identify decarbonisation opportunities in weeks, against an industry-standard of months.


Get rapid emissions estimates and insights 
for single or hundreds of product SKUs

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